Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Powerful words that heal

Affirmations and proclamation can be useful tools in helping to change your money mindset profile and thus enable you to re write your wealth narrative and attract wealth and abundance into your life. Your wealth narrative is the story you have programmed in your mind about your relationship with money. This is what determines how wealthy you are in your life; whether you measure your wealth in financial term or in human wealth terms (human wealth describes the intangibles such as happiness, love, peace contentment etc).

The difference between a proclamation and an affirmation is small and it is really a matter of emphasis. Whether you will work better with affirmations or proclamations will be dependent on your learning style and just how loud the internal dialogue in your head is. . The definition of an affirmation is: A favourable statement affirming that a goal you wish to accomplish is already occurring. The definition of a proclamation is: to state an official intent to take a particular course of action and acquire a particular status.

Affirmations are expressed as if the goal you set yourself is already occurring. Whereas proclamations aren’t stated in the present but rather express an intention to do or be something. For some people their minds are very sceptical about the idea that something that hasn’t occurred is real. Their internal dialogue or internal critic (the voice that is always looking to find the negative or cut you down to size) responds violently to what their conscious mind can clearly see is not the case. However, for others who are able to project themselves forward in time to when they have achieved their goal and look at it from that point – it is as if they are looking back in time, so that, in their mind they do indeed already have the thing they are affirming –daily affirmations are fabulous success tools for these people.

I am a great believer in horses for courses or what works for you. Rarely in life does one size fit all. All this does is result in something that is either too tight or over generous. The best person to determine whether you are an affirmer or a proclaimer is you. You will either know which one is for you are already, or if you don’t, experiment for a week , with one then the other and see whether or not you have a strong resistance to either.

A word of caution: Our natural tendency is to resist change and so you may find both uncomfortable to start with. Commit to choosing to work with one or the other so that your brain rules out the “they’re both rubbish” option.

The good news is that it is relatively simple to turn an affirmation into a proclamation or vice versa so you can use the very similar statements whatever method you choose.

Why are proclamations and affirmations such useful tools? Everything is made of energy and this energy travels in frequencies and vibrations. When we make a declaration in the form of an affirmation or proclamation these carry with them their own vibration frequency. When you say your proclamation or affirmation out loud, its energy vibrates throughout the universe. You can ground this energy within your body by touching your body at the same time you speak your statement aloud. Doing this allows you to feel its singular resonance which sends out a potent message to your subconscious. To get the most from working with affirmations and proclamations you should state your proclamation/affirmation out loud every morning and every evening and doing it while looking into a mirror will accelerate the process even more.

Below is a list of affirmations or proclamations which I suggested that you work with everyday to help heal your relationship with money.

  1. All good things are now flowing into my life.
  2. What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. I opt to adopt fresh ways of thinking that support my happiness
  3. All my investments are profitable and secure.
  4. I release my non supportive money experiences from the past and create a fresh an rich future
  5. Because I love what I do, I have become a money magnet.
  6. I promote my value to other people with passion and enthusiasm
  7. I always have more than enough money for all that I need.
  8. Because of my great appreciation for money, success follows me wherever I go.
  9. I always have more than enough money.
  10. Being financially successful is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day.

What are your thoughts on working with affirmations and proclaimations? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 10: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer

A quick look at the distribution of wealth and resources in the world today would seem to reinforce this limiting belief. Over the last 10 years the gap in earnings between the top 5% and the bottom 20% has grown exponentially. We are bombarded with stories of CEOs excessive bonuses and pay awards, outstripping those of the “coalface” one hundred and forty times over.

The poverty focused money mindset is learned behaviour – hence if you are surrounded by wealthy people you will adopt the behaviour patterns and mindset of wealthy people which will open your eyes to opportunities and possibilities that you will not be aware of if you grow up in a poor neighbourhood where there is high unemployment and low expectations. When you are surrounded by poverty it is difficult although not impossible to see beyond the mirror of your environs.

The rich do not automatically get richer - most wealthy people continue to look for new and exciting opportunities to leverage their time and thus their wealth creation strategies. Where as poor people are often overwhelmed with their cirdumstances and so lack the emotional and spiritual resoucerces required in order to change their circumstances. 

Even if there is some truth in this limiting belief it does not have to be your reality. You have the power to create your of wealth and abundance in your life. You may not consider yourself to be poor, however, if you don' t think as yourself as rich either,than growing poorer maybe the only realitity you experience.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 9: it takes money to make money

Whoever said "it takes money to make money" was most likely trying to justify accepting things as they were. It is easier to believe in this limiting belief and abdicate responsibility for changing your circumstances than to get of your bum and take action to do something about it. It doesn't take money to make money, what it takes is the ability to leverage what you have, your intelligence, talents, ingenuity and communication and networking skills. The truth is if you cannot make money without money you are unlikely to be able to make money with money!

There are plenty of people in the world with money who are desperate to invest in good ideas. Ideas are much more than valuable than money – as illustrated by Dragon's Den. If you have a good enough idea money will pour in. Work on generating good ideas by solving people’s problems and/or meeting their needs. Then seek enlighten parties to invest in them rather than looking for money.

It is often said that necessity is the mother of all invention so why not puit it to the test. Imagine you had to raise £4000 in four weeks from nothing; what would you do? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 8: you need to save your money in order to become rich

Whilst living within your means and saving money is an important element of a healthy money mindset; over emphasis on saving and budgeting tips the balance between trusting in abundance and focusing on scarcity and lack.

Over emphasis on scarcity and frugality tends to be the reaction of people who have lived through difficult times. The memory of their struggle with their finances leads to them being afraid of losing what they now have and as a result they hoard everything, afraid to part with any of their possessions no matter how redundant "just in case".

Money is an energy flow and energy flows need to keep moving or they become stagnant. Anyone who has ever smelt stagnant water will appreciate how unpleasant stagnant energy can become. The hoarding of belongings or overzealous saving in order to feel secure rather than maintaining the flow of wealth into your life, creates a dam that blocks it.

Both wealth and poverty are the result of your money mindset which creates the external circumstances you experience. Your thoughts, expectations and actions determine how much wealth and abundance you experience in your life. It is better to save from a place of abundance, respect and gratitude for the flow of resources into your life rather than from a fear of lack.

What things are you hoarding? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 7: money doesn't grow on trees

Possibly, one of the most common statements parents make to their children is the idiom "money doesn't grow on trees". My mum also used to say "whoever told you I am the bank of England was lying" as an alternative; I guess when she felt that the money-tree statement was getting tired and ceasing to have the desired impact. That is, to get us children to stop pestering her to buy us something which she'd rather not spend money on.

As recent arrivals to a country that promised economic opportunity which didn't materialise, my parents were strapped for cash, working in low paying jobs trying to raise four children. My mother came from a middle-class family and was used to having her needs met and so her way of dealing with lack was to get us children to lower our expectations.

Although actual money in the form of notes and coins does not hang like fruit off the branches of trees, there is a limitless supply of money because it can be created from nothing via new ideas and inventions for goods and services.

The money doesn't grow on trees idiom plays into the scarcity myth. The thinking goes: If money grew on trees it would be easy to come by which would mean everyone would have exactly what they required. However money doesn't grow on trees because everyone cannot be rich and we should be contented with what we have.

But the truth is that there is more than enough wealth for everyone to have more than enough. Indeed there is more than enough wealth on the planet for everyone to become a millionaire several times over.

Scarcity is an illusion that serves the interest of a small elite at the expense of everyone who has stopped visualising money trees. By believing in scarcity, you block the flow of wealth into your life. When you filter your world through glasses of scarcity and lack you simply do not see the opportunities for creating wealth and abundance. Choose to believe in money trees again and get ready for a bumper harvest.

What would you do tomorrow if you knew money was limitless? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Muhammad Yunus

Limiting belief # 6: money wields power in a negative way

Whilst it is true that many people with vast fortunes also world a lot of power, true power comes from your ability to influence others with the power of your mind and the integrity of your spirit. Consequently it is possible to have power without money, but more interestingly it is also possible to have money and use it with the power of an inspirational mind to help others.

An example of the former is Nelson Mandela. Imprisoned as a terrorist, Nelson Mandela served over 27 years in jail, in virtual isolation. He had no money to speak of yet on his release, he was to lead a nation from a process of healing and dismantle the apartheid system. Nelson Mandela is one of the world's most revered statesmen, his charisma, self-deprecating sense of humour and lack of bitterness over his harsh treatment, as well as his amazing life story, has enabled him to inspire not only his people but millions around the world.

The story of Muhammad Yunus is a particular inspirational example of someone who used his money/power to help others. Yunus founded Grameen Bank and is famous for being the banker to the poor with his pioneering efforts in Microcredit or Microfinance (small loans to poor people possessing no collateral) where the poorest people of society are encouraged to rise above poverty. The innovative banking program provides poor people––mainly women––with small loans to launch businesses and lift their families out of poverty. In the past thirty years, microcredit has spread to every continent and benefited over 100 million families. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, along with the Grameen Bank.

However, Yunus remains unsatisfied. He believes much more can be done, if the dynamics of capitalism are applied to humanity’s greatest challenge, poverty. Yunus wants to take the concept of Social Businesses, such as Grameen bank, even further. Social businesses are just like any other business; but for social objectives and not for personal gain or dividend. The satisfaction gained in achieving the social goals become the only motive behind investment, and the business is evaluated according to that standard. Essentially it is a non-loss, non-dividend business aimed at social objectives – education, health, environment, whatever is needed to address the problems faced by society. The profits are retained by the business and help it to grow further. The whole thing is based on the premise that entrepreneurs can be motivated by social goals.

Yunus is a wonderful example of combining inspiration power and money for the benefit of the wider community and illustrates the transformational powers of The Mystic money mindset profile.

What are your thoughts on the concept of social businesses? Please share your ideas I look forward to reading them.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 5: you have to work hard for money.

According to the story of Adam found in the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) God cursed Adam for disobeying the only rule in Paradise – not to eat from the forbidden tree. The curse was that Adam and henceforth all people would have to work hard for their food all the days of their lives. Pretty heavy guns – the whole of humanity punished for the transgressions of a single individual. This punishment would definitely not pass the test of fair and reasonable, let alone be considered proportionate to the crime, as required by today's standards of justice and fairness.

It appears that this is the root of the misconception about needing to work hard to earn money. Given that just over 54% of the world's population subscribe to these faith groups, it is easy to see how this idea has spread. Work only seems hard if it is something you are neither passionate about or enjoy doing. When your work is aligned with your values and passion, it doesn't seem like work at all.

"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.”
Khalil Gibran

Indeed if you are in the right job, work will seem like play. Clearly perception is the key here. Work will only seem hard if you perceive it as such. Often when people work “hard”, they are less efficient than if they work smart. You are less likely to find effective smart shortcuts that make things easy if your mindset is stuck in the "work is hard" groove. There is a difference between putting in the required effort and working hard. Of course there will be times when more effort and resources need to be applied to get a particular result, however this is usually temporary and the results are significantly greater than the effort applied.

A corollary to the misconception that you have to work hard for your money, is the belief that it takes a lifetime to get rich. Most people who create fortunes have normally done so long before death or retirement. There are numerous examples of teenage millionaires who have got rich from using the Internet and a creative marketing idea. For example; Adam Hildreth was 14 when he launched his popular social networking site and had made over £2 million by the time he was 19 and Ashley Qualls created a £million business selling MySpace layouts to teenage girls.

Making money is hard work and becoming rich takes a lifetime only if you believe it to be so. As Henry Ford said "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.”

What information or evidence are you discounting in order to hold to your belief that you have to work hard to make money? Please share your thoughts; I look forward to reading them.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 4: It is more spiritual to be poor.

This is another belief given to us by religious traditions. Many of the world's faith traditions contain stories of how the poor were blessed because they displayed humility in the face of trials or they sacrificed something for others. Poor people are seen as righteous and the rich are considered to be weak and selfish. Possibly the most well known reference to this comes from the Christian tradition when Jesus proclaimed that "blessed be ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven".

Obviously taken in isolation this approach gives the impression that it is more virtuous to be poor, however as with anything the key is balance. Clearly the great spiritual leaders were supported by rich benefactors as well as poor ones, because they required money to live in their community and pursue their spiritual mission. This suggests that rich people can also be deeply spiritual too.

Looked at another way, poverty or lack can be seen as a result of a blockage in our creative energy. Given that we already possess the capacity to accessing a limitless supply of our own internal resources in order to solve our problems, when we feel stuck or blocked it is because we are stuck in a less than resourceful state rather than because we don't possess the capacity to manifest in our lives what we desire. Hence poverty doesn't make us more spiritual; rather it can cause us to be less connected to our natural flow.

What are your views about rich people? Do you feel it is better to be loved and poor than rich and lonely? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Our beliefs are what give our thoughts and behaviour structure. What we believe tells us how to act in any given situation. However not everything we believe serves us well. If our beliefs prevent us from taking action that will enhance our well being then they are what is termed limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs about money block the flow of wealth and abundance into our lives. Over the next 10 days I will be looking at the top 10 limiting beliefs about money and their origins.

Limiting belief # 3: The amount of money available is limited and therefore the more one person has the less there is available for others

For many people the total amount of money available is like a single pie. That is there is only so much is available to be shared and therefore if some people have a larger share of the pie there is less available for others. The concept of scarcity and competition is a myth which we have been spoon fed down the ages and as a consequence the majority of people now believe this as if it were a fact. The truth is that there is abundance in the universe and all that it waits on is welcome. Money and wealth are continually being created and if money is continually flowing the supply is endless. Therefore the amount of money that you have or the amount of wealth in your life doesn't reduce what is available for others. Consequently, there is no need to feel guilty about being successful if you keep the flow of money going by creating more wealth from your activities. If shortages occur this is a result of individuals attempting to hoard money and stop the flow because they have bought into the concept of lack and scarcity and believe that by holding on to their money they will be more secure.

If you believe that money is scarce that will be your experience. It is more effective to believe that there is a never ending supply and you just need to be open to receive what is available.

What are your thoughts about lack and abundance? Please share your views, I look forward to reading them.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Our beliefs are what give our thoughts and behaviour structure. What we believe tells us how to act in any given situation. However not everything we believe serves us well. If our beliefs prevent us from taking action that will enhance our well being than they are what is termed limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs about money block the flow of wealth and abundance into our lives. Over the next 10 days I will be looking at the top 10 limiting beliefs about money and their origins:

Limiting belief # 2: Rich people are dishonest

Once again the most likely origin for this belief is The Bible. Jesus is quoted as saying in Luke 18:25, Matthew 19: 24 and Mark 10: 25:

"For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"

The implication here is, given the size of camels and needles the likelihood of wealthy people getting into heaven are zilch. As heaven is the place where only the pure in heart and righteous go, if it is impossible for rich people to get into heaven then rich people can't possibly be either pure in heart or righteous, and therefore they must be dishonest. Add to this that this evaluation of rich people's character traits was proclaimed by "the son of God", then not only is this assessment correct it is also backed by divine authority.

There are two approaches to challenging this limiting belief. From a biblical point of view, if you understand that the eye of the needle was in fact a doorway into the city of Jerusalem were camels had to be unloaded and drop their heads in order to access the city, the statement takes on a different meaning. Instead of it being physically impossible for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, it actually becomes an everyday occurrence. Albeit that in order for a camel laden with goods to be able to get into the city one would have to take off its load and get it to bend its head.

The second approach is to look at the evidence. The world is full of extremely wealthy people who are philanthropists, who having built personal fortunes have set up foundations and charities to support others in need; people like Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, to name three of the most prominent wealthy philanthropists in the world today.

Rich people do not have a monopoly on being dishonest any more than poor people have a monopoly on being righteous. By labelling the rich as something that is undesirable, i.e. dishonest, you set up an unconscious repellent towards money. As a consequence you will overlook opportunities to attract money and wealth into your life because subconsciously you believe these opportunities to be the road to you also becoming dishonest.

What are your thoughts about rich people? Do you see them as having different, less honourable character traits than “honest poor folk”? Please share your thoughts; I look forward to reading them.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Our beliefs are what give our thoughts and behaviour structure. What we believe tells us how to act in any given situation. However not everything we believe serves us well. If our beliefs prevent us from taking action that will enhance our well being then they are what is termed limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs about money block the flow of wealth and abundance into our lives. Over the next 10 days I will be looking at the top 10 limiting beliefs about money and their origins.

Limiting belief # 1: Money is the root of all evil (Evil: that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune (noun))

It is likely that the basis of this belief is the Bible. Timothy 6:10 says "the love of money is the root of all evil". Given the dominance of Christianity in the West, this idea has been spread with the faith. It doesn't matter whether you are a believer; the idea that money is the root of all evil seems to be laden with social proof or evidence that supports this position. People fight, kill, destroy relationships and allow others to suffer in the pursuit of money or property, land, precious metals or any other possessions that money can buy. Once money became a, medium of exchange it was easy to make the link. So rather than the pursuit of resources for your personal use being the root of all evil, we simply think in terms of money.

However, money in itself is neither good nor evil. Money is a concept. It is an energy that can be exchanged for another energy. If you hold a £1 coin in your hand it doesn't burn a hole in it or transmit evil rays. It is a lifeless inert object. What is important is not money, it is your attitude and belief system associated with it. If your attitude is that you are prepared to do anything irrespective of who you might damage physically, emotionally, spiritually or psychologically; then the action you take to acquire the money you seek are likely to be very self-serving and at the expense of others. Depending on the extremes that one is prepared or needs to go in order to acquire the money they seek, it is likely that an objective observer might conclude that you/your actions are evil.

What do you believe about money? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Does your God want you to be poor?

We have all grown up with ingrained ideas about money and our relationship to it. Much of this is a product of the religious or spiritual traditions we were exposed to as children. Unfortunately a lot of this is based more on economic and political agendas, which were woven into the foundations of our spiritual traditions in order to render the masses subservient to the will of their earthly rulers. As a consequence our thoughts about money have been skewed and do not serve us well.

Traditional Christian philosophies have interpreted Jesus Christ’s teachings about money to mean that it is honourable to suffer and poverty is a sure way to earn your pass to eternity with God in heaven. Other Christian beliefs have pushed the notion of predetermination and as such your position in life is predetermined by God, so there isn't anything you can do about it. Indeed the godlike thing to do is accept your lot, bear your cross and wait for your reward in heaven.

How you see God's involvement in the distribution of wealth will have a profound impact on your relationship with money and your ability to attract wealth and abundance into your life. Many people who have a poor or even disastrous relationship with money have unconscious beliefs about how God sees money and as a result how God sees them; even if as adults they wouldn't claim to have any religious leanings. Our subconscious mind hears and sees all; it is always vigilant, always taking in information. Furthermore it never forgets. Even if you are not consciously aware of holding any "spiritual" or religious beliefs about money, the dual nature of our consciousness means your beliefs are being affected by deeply held thoughts and ideas.

Therefore even if you are not “religious" as such, it helps to ask yourself who or what is God to you? When you hear the word God what image does it conjure in your mind. And if you were to juxtapose the words money and God how does doing this make you feel?

When I trained as an Interfaith Minister, I had to look at what my idea of God was and what my beliefs told me I should do in relation to how I treated others. This meant examining my beliefs about the distribution of resources in relation to others people. That is, was it wrong to be wealthy if others had nothing? Was not having money more spiritual than having money? Etc. I came to the conclusion that "God" did not want me to be poor. Rather it was better for me to be successful, openhearted and generous than poor and resentful.

History has demonstrated that the only benefit of being poor accrues to organised religion and "political leaders" (for that also read big business). In our culture being poor deprives you of opportunities to grow both materially and "spiritually". That is not to say that everybody who is poor materially is also poor spiritually, however it is difficult to move away from a lack mentality, which is spiritual poverty, if you are constantly bombarded with messages that tell you that money is "evil".

So who or what is "God" to you?

Has your concept of "God" empowered you or held you back in terms of your relationship with money and your ability to create a life of wealth and abundance?

Thursday, 17 November 2011

A prayer

I was searching through my interfaith ministers manual and I came across this prayer.  I think I wrote it initially, however I just can't remember.  It's very touching and beautiful so I've decided to share it with you. I hope you like it.

Healing my heart and loving God
I stopped loving well because when I first did it was not returned.

Instead I received only emptiness and pain and the longing I felt seemed like an eternal hunger that could not be fulfilled.

In pain, I chose not to love well, to put my heart in protective box.

Soft and cushioned on the inside, yet hard and impregnable.

So when you asked me to love You – I found I had forgotten how to love at all!

The childhood innocence was lost.

Doubt and distrust replaced my unconditional heart.

How do I remember my heart?

Do I allow it to open and love again like an intoxicated teenager?

To feel the freedom of love, the naivety that expects the love it offers to be returned completely – no withdrawing, no pain, no rejection?

I fear that mutual desire to be with another, the shared uncontrollable, unceasing longing.

Can hurt lovers trust again? Can betrayed love trust again and offer anew the first love and truly believe it will be returned?

Yet the crime wasn’t yours. You have not left me. You have not hurt me.

So why do I shut out the fire of Your love that even now wells up in my belly – desperate to move upwards to my heart and release it from the box of safety.

There is no forced entry; You do not come like a raider with crowbars and dynamite.

You simply ask me for the key. A lover’s voice so sweet and seductive.

I tell you my secrete, yet You always knew – the box is not locked!

So open my box and gently take out my crumpled heart.

Cherish and love it the way I the way I always knew You did.

So I can loose myself in your love, but more importantly,

So I can give it back in return.

Completely trusting that You will be a true lover for me.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

How to be lucky!

Unemployment in the UK continues to rise. Currently there are 1 million under 25s without a job and about 2 1/2 million other people also seeking work and those are just the ones we record officially. For some people these are really difficult times and the more they buy into the negative outlook presented by the media the worst it is going to be for them.

As implausible as it may seem, what you choose to think really does affect what you experience. Let's imagine that you are one of the unemployment statistics and right now you are without a job. If you think "gosh things are really bad, I have no money and no prospect of a job"; every day you hold this belief you experience this reality. Your mindset will present you from seeing any opportunities that present themselves to you.

To demonstrate this point, Prof Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire (2003) carried out some research into why some people get all the luck while others never seem to get the breaks they deserve. Prof Wiseman placed an advert in the local newspapers asking for people who consider themselves to be lucky to contact him. Hundreds of people volunteered. Prof Wiseman concluded that thoughts and behaviour were responsible for the good or bad luck that people experienced. Even when it came to chance opportunities “lucky people”, i.e. the ones who considered themselves to be lucky, consistently encountered such opportunities whereas the people who believed they were unlucky did not.

Prof Wiseman tested this by placing two large adverts halfway through a newspaper saying tell the experimenter that you have seen this and win £250. The message took up half the page and was written in a in a 2 inch font. In the experiment people asked to look for the newspaper and count how many photographs were inside. The lucky people saw the advert and claim their £250, whereas the unlucky people missed it completely. Being a scientist Prof Wiseman explained this result in terms of the affect of anxiety. Unlucky people are generally tenser than lucky people and this anxiety disrupts their ability to notice the unexpected. In other words their thoughts lead to feeling anxious which leads to them being less observant (the action) which causes them to miss opportunities (the result).

A negative mindset will also prevent you from putting 100% effort into what you do – it will show if you turn up for a job interview wearing the “there's no way they are going to give me this job” face.

Worse still if you believe that you do not have any money you will experience this too. Money has magnetic qualities. And the one thing that we all know about magnets is, if you put like poles together they repel each other. What this means is if you are thinking “I have no money” and you are actually experiencing having “no money” the two things act as repelling poles and you will find that what little money you have will rapidly be eaten up or simply slip away. Whereas being open to the abundance in the world/the universe, (as opposed to getting stuck in a lack mentality), acts as an opposite magnet pole to attract the opposite of what you are currently experiencing; increased money flow and abundance. Rather than your limited resources slipping away more is attracted to them.

Have you noticed that the moment you surrender to a situation that you are dreading, things immediately start to improve. This is because you are no longer projecting the energy of what you don't want. When you surrender and trust that what you need is available to you, then what comes to fill the space you have created by moving aside your wants is exactly what you require in that moment.

If you want the hard science, Prof Wiseman's research revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four principles:

  1. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, 
  2. They make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, 
  3. They create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and 
  4. They adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good. 

Thoughts-> feelings-> actions-> results.

Many people find it difficult to accept anything that they cannot see or explain and so are ready to dismiss these universal principles. It's funny how the majority of us have no idea how the money markets operates or what forces it uses to determine who profits and who loses. However for years we have blindly put our faith in this system, no questions asked. I see very little difference between the two positions; both require faith in something you cannot explain to deliver you what you require. However one is predicated on the idea of lack and a few having exclusive access to a limited pie, whereas the other has infinite possibilities to provide more than enough for everyone's needs.

What is your luck identity and how has this impacted your life? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

6 ways money harmony and true wealth mentoring can create your financial freedom

Money harmony and true wealth mentoring is a process that teaches the fastest and most direct route to move forward in your life or in your business, by helping you to break old redundant patterns of thinking and behaviours that are currently keeping you poor. And I don’t just mean in terms of notes and coins; poor; emotionally, psychologically and spiritually too. Money harmony and true wealth mentoring focuses on mastering the thoughts lead to feelings lead to actions and create results so that you are able to think the thoughts that enable money and wealth to flow into your life in abundance.

1. It Uses a Planning System

Money harmony and true wealth mentoring provides a space for you to get get everything out of your head and onto paper because it’s easier to move a thought forward on paper than it is in your head. Without a clear target to focus on outcomes are delayed and often not achieved at all. It would be like deciding to go on a journey to somewhere you’d never been before without any directions or a route map (GPS nowadays). Money Harmony and true wealth mentoring begins with ensuring that you have a crystal clear picture of your desired end state in mind. Naturally it doesn’t stop there, you also have to take massive action in order to create the wealth you wish to possess.

2. It helps you identify your big Y

“It’s easy to pay the price when the promise is clear.” Jim Rohn Money Harmony and true wealth coaching will help you identify your goal/ big Y, i.e. want to achieve, what type of life do you want to live and by when? This will help you to develop a strategy to put into action.

3. It helps you identify and clarify your purpose

It enables you to clarify your purpose in life. Once you can get down to the root of what it is that your are the most passionate about, what will drive you to achieve and give you a true sense of achievement. You reach a level of contentment that is unparalleled. Success is not just measured in terms of money. Happiness is far more valuable especially if you feels like you’re just not doing what you want to do in life.

4. It shows you where you’ve come from

A significant part of Money harmony and true wealth mentoring is uncovering your money history and the influence that this has had on where you find yourself now. This will help to make sure that you avoid repeating the old patterns in your money history and life which was the cause for their lack of wealth. More importantly, this also helps you to identify your strengths and how to deploy them for the maximum impact.

5. It will help you to develop strategies to spend less

Some people believe that if you set a budget and spend less you are not embracing the notion of abundance and limitlessness. However this is not the case. Behaving irresponsibly is not embracing abundance. If people really stopped and looked at all the money that seeps through their pockets on things that don’t provide lasting value, they would be shocked. Money Harmony and true wealth mentoring0 helps clients find ways to check their spending habits. Strategies like using only cash for purchases, collecting every receipt and adding it to a spreadsheet, or even creating a budget and sticking to it are good starts.

6. It holds you accountable

Money Harmony and true life mentoring holds you accountable for the things that you set as goals. Working with your coach/mentor on a regular basis will enable them to effectively chart where you are with each one and to take action to keep you on track.

Monday, 14 November 2011

How to stop feeling yourself into debt


When it comes to money or the lack of it, a big determinant is how you feel. Many people use money as a substitute for emotions. Either they use it to make themselves feel better, more in control, more powerful; or their emotions drive them to act in a way that is contrary to their long-term best interests. Alvin Hall, the internationally renowned financial educator and TV/radio broadcaster in his book Money Magic: seven simple steps to true financial freedom; identifies the six most common feelings that drive people into debt.

According to Alvin Hall, our deadly emotions lead us to misuse credit. Because our emotions are a powerful driver, it is worth analysing your debt problems to see which of these unhelpful emotions are fuelling your debt issues. The six emotions are:

1. Denial. Denial let's you ignore your money issues and so you don't see them mounting up. The problem is that remaining in a state of denial can be terminal for your financial health. If you are being secretive about what you are spending or have started to tell half-truths or worse still lies, then this could be your signal to get help.

2 . Entitlement. The feeling that you deserve to reward yourself continually can be a sign of big trouble to come. If you feel entitled to treating yourself with purchases you can ill afford this could be masking a deeper need for recognition and appreciation.

3. Compensation. This emotion is driven by a feeling that your past has earned you the right to have the things you were previously denied. The deep sense of missing out can be a disastrous combination with a credit card.

4. Crowd – think. This is the herd mentality. I.e. you should be doing it because everyone else is. Therefore, instead of budgeting within your means, you are drawn into the consumer game and whip out your credit card in competition with your friends who are engaged with the same activities.

5. Empty hope. This is relying solely on the promise of better things to come, it is living within a fantasy, where you are rescued by a marvellous lottery win or a great pay rise. There is a fine line between believing in the abundance of the universe and simply ignoring your financial situation.

6. Finally we come to fear. This is the fear of maths and numbers. Many people considered that the number side of finance scary. They stick their heads in the sand hoping that things will go away by themselves. If you want to be able to handle money a lot better, a good place to start is with understanding your emotions. As Alvin Hall says, stop blaming someone or something else, take control of your feelings by being aware of what they are and then let them know who is really in charge.

What impulse purchases have you made recently – what were your feelings at the time. Please share,  I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.