Tuesday 15 November 2011

6 ways money harmony and true wealth mentoring can create your financial freedom

Money harmony and true wealth mentoring is a process that teaches the fastest and most direct route to move forward in your life or in your business, by helping you to break old redundant patterns of thinking and behaviours that are currently keeping you poor. And I don’t just mean in terms of notes and coins; poor; emotionally, psychologically and spiritually too. Money harmony and true wealth mentoring focuses on mastering the thoughts lead to feelings lead to actions and create results so that you are able to think the thoughts that enable money and wealth to flow into your life in abundance.

1. It Uses a Planning System

Money harmony and true wealth mentoring provides a space for you to get get everything out of your head and onto paper because it’s easier to move a thought forward on paper than it is in your head. Without a clear target to focus on outcomes are delayed and often not achieved at all. It would be like deciding to go on a journey to somewhere you’d never been before without any directions or a route map (GPS nowadays). Money Harmony and true wealth mentoring begins with ensuring that you have a crystal clear picture of your desired end state in mind. Naturally it doesn’t stop there, you also have to take massive action in order to create the wealth you wish to possess.

2. It helps you identify your big Y

“It’s easy to pay the price when the promise is clear.” Jim Rohn Money Harmony and true wealth coaching will help you identify your goal/ big Y, i.e. want to achieve, what type of life do you want to live and by when? This will help you to develop a strategy to put into action.

3. It helps you identify and clarify your purpose

It enables you to clarify your purpose in life. Once you can get down to the root of what it is that your are the most passionate about, what will drive you to achieve and give you a true sense of achievement. You reach a level of contentment that is unparalleled. Success is not just measured in terms of money. Happiness is far more valuable especially if you feels like you’re just not doing what you want to do in life.

4. It shows you where you’ve come from

A significant part of Money harmony and true wealth mentoring is uncovering your money history and the influence that this has had on where you find yourself now. This will help to make sure that you avoid repeating the old patterns in your money history and life which was the cause for their lack of wealth. More importantly, this also helps you to identify your strengths and how to deploy them for the maximum impact.

5. It will help you to develop strategies to spend less

Some people believe that if you set a budget and spend less you are not embracing the notion of abundance and limitlessness. However this is not the case. Behaving irresponsibly is not embracing abundance. If people really stopped and looked at all the money that seeps through their pockets on things that don’t provide lasting value, they would be shocked. Money Harmony and true wealth mentoring0 helps clients find ways to check their spending habits. Strategies like using only cash for purchases, collecting every receipt and adding it to a spreadsheet, or even creating a budget and sticking to it are good starts.

6. It holds you accountable

Money Harmony and true life mentoring holds you accountable for the things that you set as goals. Working with your coach/mentor on a regular basis will enable them to effectively chart where you are with each one and to take action to keep you on track.

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