Friday 19 August 2011

PC wars - how my pc spoilt my night out

Day 35: I've decided that my Dragon NaturallySpeaking software has a vendetta against me.  I hate technology.  I hate the way I'm always running out of time because my stupid computer is having a hissy fit.  I hate computers. I can't wait until they become artificial intelligence, fully sentient beings with feeling, consciousness and awareness.  Then I'll be able to stick it to them good and proper, get them where it hurts knowing they will feel it.

I've been trying to write my blog with my Dragon NaturallySpeaking software for almost 2 hours now.  I was supposed to be having dinner with my husband two hours ago.  However, I committed to posting a blog every day and if I go out without doing it, it will be too late by the time I get back.  So here I am, still write my blog with my stupid dragon NaturallySpeaking.  It's supposed to be easy.  And normally it is.  I think they should call it Dragon NaturallySulking as 4/10 times it can't be bothered to type what I'm saying.  I should complain.  I did and they did what every software manufacturer does.  They sent me a solution that doesn't work!  I am so cross.  Deep breath... calm... calm.

Back to today's blog.  Today I was going to tell you about my present dilemma, present as in a gift.  I'm not sure what to have as a 50th birthday present.  Everyone, well not everyone my friends and family, keep asking me what I would like for a present to mark my monumental birthday.  They seem to be expecting me to ask for something significant.  The problem is I've already got everything I need in the way of possessions.  Gosh you don't often hear people in our consumer driven society owning up to that.  But it's true; there really isn't anything that I need.  I suppose I could always ask for a bigger, better, newer model.

I was toying with the idea of asking for an Apple Mac computer.  Not that I need a new computer.  I only bought my current computer 18 months ago.  I think if when I bought it, they had told me its shelf life was 18 months I would have stormed out of the shop in disgust.  No, an Apple Mac is just a fantasy.  It would be nice, but as everything I have is PC-based, it would be quite expensive to re buy all my software.

Thinking about all the large technical items I could ask for, either I've already just replace them, or I don't particularly want another.  For a moment, I wondered if I should ask for the new iPhone5, which is due to be released in September.  However, as I have only had the Iphone4 since July last year, it feels like pure decadence to replace it so soon.

Apple has to be the most unsustainable company on the planet.  It's strange how they have managed to create this image of anti establishment, which seems to give them brownie points in the sustainability stakes.  However, I'm pretty sure that they had already developed the iPhone5 when it first launched the 3G.  Driving consumers to want to upgrade perfectly sound technology every 6 to 12 months is really a waste of resources.  Even if the older models are recycled through a trickle-down effect to the less affluent, it's still causing harm by encouraging over consumption.

Back to what I should ask for, for my birthday.  My mother's present philosophy is that you should give people the little luxuries that they would not necessarily buy for themselves.  The problem with this is either I am a bit schizophrenic so people find it difficult to know what I want; or they simply buy me what they want and more often than not it's nothing at all like anything I would ever want.  As I don't wish to feign gratitude on my 50th birthday I think I'd rather put out a request.

I’ve decided to ask for the one thing I really need at the moment.  More clients.  Yes as a budding entrepreneur getting a solid pipeline of clients would be a gift made in heaven.  Therefore, if you are considering getting me a present, I would like to client referrals.  Not just the names of any two people you can think of, but to people that you really believe would benefit from my services.

So what service to offer: well you know how when life throws you a curve ball and you suddenly find yourself having to start again?  Well my skill is helping you make a smart restart.  I bring to your personal life the same kind of support that I have used for major corporations to assure the success of complex multi million pound projects.  I’ve developed five simple steps that I’ve used to deliver world-class results.  I can add proven strategies and confidence to help you start smart so you can springboard your way to a fabulous new start and achieve the results you want.  My ideal clients are women over 35 to 55.  If you would like to know more please visit my website 

So now you know what to get me (by the way contact details will do, just in case you were wondering how you were going to manage to gift wrap two people.) How do you feel about gift list?

Should people send out present request or should they just accept what they are given and be grateful?  I would love to know your views

Image Out Of Order by dan

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