Monday 9 January 2012

How to be the wealthiest person on earth

How wealthy are you? When you hear that question do you automatically start tallying all your physical assets? Are you thinking about the money you have in the bank or what your earning potential is? Are you thinking about any property you own, your car, the contents of your home? It is common to equate wealth to money and for many people when they think about how wealthy they are they automatically think of monetary assets.

Money and the pursuit of it seemed to dominate our lives. This is because we see money as possessing the power to provide us with everything we need physically emotionally and psychologically and even spiritually.

The problems arise when our beliefs about money start to impact on our lives in a negative way. Some of the problems that people have with money may sound familiar to you:

I am always arguing with my partner, it doesn't seem to matter what we start arguing about it always ends up with an argument about money. They never take responsibility for their spending and I'm always left picking up the pieces at the end of the month when they've overspent.
No matter how hard I try to budget or how much I earn, I always seem to be struggling to make ends meet and never seem to be able to have the money I need -it is as if me and wealth live on two different planets

I've worked hard to be in a position to afford anything I want - money is not a problem, however, I often feel guilty about how much I have. I’ve noticed that I tend to spend money frivolously – it's like I’m chucking it away in disgust!

I noticed that whenever I feel down I go out and buy myself something whether I can afford it or not. I feel happy for a while but then I start to feel as if something is missing again and before I know it I'm buying myself something- else usually bigger and better and more unaffordable. I know I shouldn't be getting into debt like this but just don't seem able to stop myself.

All these people have developed a duality in terms of their relationship with money. Instead of recognising money for what it is: a medium of exchange; a way of transferring value from one form to another; a way of tallying up how effective you have been at providing value to others (incidentally how effective you are at creating value says nothing about you as an individual -creating value is something you do. it is not who you are. As soon as you start to use money to put value on an individual's worth i.e. in terms of their spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical being, you step on to a very slippery slope.) Money can never be more than what we say it is. So it is important that we are really clear about what money really is and what it is not.

Quite simply money is nothing– nothing at all. Money has no meaning; indeed it has no value except what we give it.

In order to heal our relationship with money we have to first recognise that how we currently relate to money is not serving us, individually and collectively. The two biggest money issues in the world today are 21st century over consumption and belief in lack or a lack mentality. That is the belief that there isn't enough of anything to go around and that in order for some people to have more others will have to have less.

Wealth and abundance, far from being limited are boundless. There's enough in the world for everyone to have more than enough. A lack mentality drives you to overconsumption in the belief that there is not enough and therefore you have to grasp everything there is. These limiting beliefs about money mean that you are always chasing money, focusing on a lack of money rather than attracting abundance in your life. What we focus on we attract and therefore instead of attracting abundance into our lives we drive it away.

Limiting beliefs determine how much wealth and abundance you experience in your life. If you want a life of wealth and abundance, i.e. wealth well-being; healing your relationship with money is a way of achieving this. What's more because our collective money consciousness has created the world we experience today, by healing your individual relationship with money you automatically contribute to overall community well-being. You owe it to you yourself and your community to do your work to heal your relationship with money.

3 things you can do immediately to start healing your relationship with money:

1. Create a wealth narrative – your wealth narrative is your wealth story, how it unfolds is up to you. Think of creating your future experiences – everything you write will contribute to the new reality of wealth and abundance you are moving to from this point forward. Your wealth narrative is primarily a daily Journal. The process involves just writing whatever comes to mind without censorship, evaluation, judgement or even grammar. Based on the principles in The Artist Way by Julia Cameron, the idea is to write your daily Journal each morning and aim to write a minimum of three pages. This is a great way of clearing blocks and barriers to your creativity. You may never be fully aware of what issues are being resolved by using this process, however, you will quickly notice the benefits. Your thinking will become clearer and you will find that you are accessing creative solutions to issues that previously evaded you.

2. Identify your money mindset profile
- The 9 money mindset profiles I have identified are based on my observations of how people I have worked with, lived with, mentored and coached interacted with money. In addition I have also drawn on the work of Deborah L. Price (a highly regarded financial advisor and money coach in the USA) in her book Money Magic.

The nine money mindset profiles, although described as a type of person, are really states of mind that create the characteristics of an archetype. Consequently these states of mind can be changed and along with the change in mindset comes a change in behaviour and attitude towards money. The mindset states are fluid and although some people may occupy a particular state for a long period of time, it is possible to progress through these states organically. However, the majority of people who get stuck in a particular state fail to shift it without external intervention.

This is because it is impossible to break free of your limiting behaviours and beliefs unless you know exactly what are the limiting behaviours and beliefs you are trying to replace. Do you spend more money than you have? Do you feel that you don't deserve money? Do you believe that you have to compromise your ethics to make money? Are you rarely contented with your financial situation? These are just a few of the questions that you will need to answer in order to begin to break free from your bad money habits and restore money harmony in your life.

You can take the money mindset profile quiz here

3. Work with your money history: You have been conditioned by your environment, by what you have heard, what you have seen, what you have experienced. Unless you can change your programming or at the very least interact with it, it will continue to drive your thoughts which will drive your feelings which will lead you into taking certain actions, which will produce your results. By changing your programming you take the initial crucial steps to changing your results.

To start the process, look at your money history. What did you hear about money when you were young (your verbal influences); what did you see the adults and people around you do with money when you were young (what you learnt to model) and what significant moments did you experience with money when you were young (pivotal incidents).

Using this information as a starting point, write your money history. Think of it as your money autobiography and include as much detail as you can remember. When you have completed your narrative, use your daily journaling to contemplate and respond to the following questions:
What kind of relationship does your money history suggest you have with money?
Is the relationship you have the one you want and if not what would you rather have instead?
What does it reveal about your beliefs about money?
Are your beliefs about money limiting you or propelling you to success?

To find out more about how you can create money harmony in your life so that you can experience more true wealth and abundance; feel contented and happy and be free from the stresses caused by money worries download the free e report: “The seven secrets of money harmony: a proven strategy for creating personal wealth and increasing the flow of abundance in your life”. Or book your free no obligation taster session to see how you can benefit from money harmony coaching and mentoring program.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Getting clear

There’s a song that goes "on a clear day you can see forever" when things are clear it is possible to see what you want, where you are going and even where you have been. Being able to clearly see your future life of wealth and abundance is an important step in the process of healing your relationship with money and thus being able to both create and attract true wealth into your life. True wealth is a combination of tangible assets (things normally associated with the idea of being wealthy in the world, i.e., money, property investments etc) and human wealth the intangibles that we value and often think of as priceless, (i.e., health, relationships, spiritual connection, happiness etc.)

Many people do not get to live a life full of true wealth and abundance because they are not clear about what it is they really desire or want for themselves. When you get clear you empower yourself because by really knowing what you want you have more choice about how to achieve it. Why? Because you will seek the things you need to make the changes. Clarity leads to more choice and more choice equals power. When you are clear about what you want you engage the part of the brain whose function it is to make you aware of things – the reticular activator. Your reticular activator is like a bloodhound, once it gets the scent of what you want it goes after it with a singular determination, seeking out the things you need to make it happen. If you want more wealth and abundance in your life give your reticular activator a regular workout by clearly stating what it is you want each day. The clearer the better. Think of the things you want like a menu and list all the things you need to create the life of wealth and abundance you desire. How much income do you need each month? What sort of home do you want? What sort of lifestyle do you want to be living? And once you've identified what it is you want; why do you want it and how will it make you feel if you had it. If you are able to associate positive emotions with your clarity, this will engage your reticular activator even more.

By taking the time to get clear, you will greatly improve your chances of achieving what you desire. An easy way of setting clear goals is to list them under the different areas of your life. So for example, under finance you might say “I will have a monthly income of X.” And under lifestyle your clear goal might be “I take three three-week overseas holidays with my family each year”. And under work you might put: “I own successful businesses that provide passive income of X per month.” Once you have your list of clear goals, write them out and put them somewhere where you can see them daily. Remember to read them out loud to yourself each day and visualise how you will feel and what you will experience when you have them. Then notice how the universe conspires to put in front of you all the things that you require in order to achieve your goals.

If you would like help getting clear on your goals and ongoing support to achieve them, please contact me to discuss how my coaching and mentoring programs can be of assistance to you.

Saturday 3 December 2011

How going to pot can make you rich

Having a good relationship with money also means learning how to manage your money effectively. I recently came across a very good budgeting system which is based on the idea of using 6 categories or pots for allocating your expenditure. The idea is to split whatever money you have coming in into different ʻPotsʼ for different purposes. As money flows into your life, a certain percentage goes into each ʻPotʼ before you spend anything:

The 6 pots or categories are:

Necessities - 55% These are your day to day expenses and bills basically what it cost to live month to month , travel and petrol, food, toiletries and rent or mortgage payments, insurance policies , utilities the whole hog – As these are your biggest cost it’s the biggest pot and 55% of your income goes into this pot

Long term saving - 10% There is no point always wanting that house, car or holiday but never saving for it. So use this pot for saving for your dreams!

Investment - 10% This is your financial freedom pot, where your money works for you to create residual income. Use it to invest in shares, property, or put it in a high interest accounts. Seek advice about the best way to use this from and appropriately qualified person or better still use the resources in the next pot to improve your knowledge of investments so that you can effectively manage your long term investments yourself.

Education - 10% If you’re not growing/ developing yourself then neither will your bank accounts; so this money is for yourself improvement,i.e. training, career or personal development books, courses or mentoring.

Play - 10% All work and no play makes Jillian a dully sad stressed woman so we have a play pot – a pot for your treats – I can remember when I was a young single mum – yes there was a time when I was a single mum too; it was as if all my money when from my bank to my bills with nothing left for me. It was so depressing – you might not think that you can spare 10% for fun. So think about it like this – no fun and you will eventually implode so this is like life insurance making sure you keep happy and able to keep earning the rest of the money. This is your treat pot so make sure they are your treats too not the families alone if you using this system for family budgeting. It is very easy for women especially to get into that sacrifice, lack mentality and exclude ourselves.

And there is a golden rule for this pot! YOU HAVE TO SPEND THE ENTIRE AMOUNT EVERY MONTH!!!

Contribution - 5% Use this pot to make a contribution to a charity or organisation you care about or to support friends or family members. In this scheme it is set at 5% half what is suggested in the idea of tithing 10% - if you want to up this you could decide to reduce the necessities pot to 50%.

Although I’d not heard of this is system until very recently, I’ve always divided my money into categories. That’s because I follow 3 basic rule of money management
  1. Live within your means
  2. Save regularly
  3. Invest regularly and wisely.
The pot system is also based on these principles. If you are attracted to the idea or still a little sceptical or if you don’t already have a budgeting system you are happy with; you could try the pot system out by using it on a cash basis. In order to do this you need to decide on your budget for the week take out the money in cash and divide it into the pots and see how you get on. After you got used to dividing your expenditure in this way you could then set up an automated system for your monthly salary/ income.

What is your strategy for managing your finances? Please share your experiences so others can learn from them.

Friday 2 December 2011

Your wealth and abundance mindset

Do you know that you are already rich? You probably just don't realise it yet, however, right now you have within your possession a multi-million pound asset, or indeed something money cannot buy.

Most people think of their personal wealth in terms of physical money and possessions; however what if you were to take a different kind of personal audit? What if you were to value what until now you have placed little value on a.k.a. YOU.

So let's start with your hands I'm assuming that you have two of them, and if by some sad chance you do not, you will have already been made very aware of their value. So how much would you say your hands are worth? Perhaps you think well not much, but if I were to offer you are £500 for one of them, would you sell me your right hand now? Possibly not. How about £1000 – is your answer still no? So we've established that your hands are worth over £1000 and given that you have two of them, that is £2000 already. So would you sell me both your hands for £4000? You're probably thinking “£4000, no hands ... Is it a fair trade?” I guess not. So what about your eyes; how much would you say the going rate was for a pair of eyes? £6000 per eye? £7000? £8000? Would you be prepared to sell your eyes for £10,000 apiece?

Clearly if you took stock of all your body parts that are healthy, functional and useful you would realise that your body alone is worth well over £1 million.

I call this type of wealth “human wealth”; the wealth all human beings possess but often overlook its true value. So how about you take a human wealth audit. Start with your body and then work your way down the list of your other assets such as your family, your friends, your experience, your knowledge, your skills and talents. No doubt you’ll soon realise that you are worth a fortune, yet possibly before now, you haven't taken the time to see the value that is locked inside you.

This is the reality that is at the heart of cultivating an abundance mindset. When you have an abundance mindset you are saying to yourself “Everything I will ever need or want is fully available to me– right now.” The most important and essential things in life are free and not only that, they exist in quantities where there is abundance for everyone. If you have enough, it does not deprive anyone else of their ability to have enough too.

However, because we often focus on what we do not have, we get stuck in a lack or scarcity mentality. Focusing on the things that we do not have that makes us feel unhappy or unworthy. Being wealthy is a mental state that comes from within and is rooted in sense of abundance, of have anything you may ever want or need forever without limits. Once you realise this, you will be able to start the process of making the shift from a mindset of lack and scarcity to one of abundance and limitlessness, which will herald in a life of true wealth and abundance.

What price would you put on your human wealth assets? I would love to read your feedback should you choose to do this exercise.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Creating your wealth narrative

What’s your present financial experience? How harmonious is your relationship with money and how much wealth and abundance do you currently have in your life? Healing your relationship with money is the single most important step you can take to changing your financial circumstances. If you feel like you and wealth currently live on two different planets, this is your rocket ship to start your mission to boldly go where you have not gone before and seek out new planets of wealth. If you are currently programmed for lack around money, if your beliefs and values are causing you to unconsciously drive wealth from your life, here is one thing you can do immediately to break your programming, change your thoughts and feelings and so lead you to take the action that will produce the results you desire: a marvellous life of wealth and abundance.

Create a wealth narrative. Your wealth narrative is your wealth story, how it unfolds is up to you. Think of it creating your future experience – everything you write will contribute to the new reality of wealth and abundance you are moving to from this point forward. It is your proclamation of things to come and the resting place of things that no longer serve you. The wealth narrative will take two forms electronic and hardback. The electronic version is for recording, keeping and completing exercises that form part of the money harmony coaching and mentoring programs, should you choose to take this process further and join one of these. The hardback version is for you to write a daily Journal. The idea of keeping a daily journal is based on a proven practice for clearing blocks to creativity and personal growth described in The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. This beautiful and highly inspiring book advocates writing three pages first thing in the morning as a way of clearing your blocks to your higher creativity.

I have been writing a daily journal for many years. The process involves just writing whatever comes to mind without censorship, evaluation judgment or even grammar. Just write and write some more. Cameron’s book recommends writing 3 pages each day, however, I write until I feel a stillness starting to take over every other emotion. Sometimes this is more than 3 pages sometimes it is less. I write anything and everything. I pour out my heart not worrying about sentences or grammar and I just keep going until the stillness finally arrives. It's not like running out of steam because once I am still I don't always stop writing. Sometimes I start to write consciously and whatever I need to do next to move towards my goals, will suddenly become clear. It's like receiving an answer. There is no structure, no purpose, it all gets put down and what I require arrives. I feel deeply connected deeply at peace. I trust that whatever it is I need is already working its way into my conscious awareness and that it is already starting to impact on the systems that it needs to impact on. For me it is like lying on the beach at the edge of the shore, the sea lapping against me as if I were a rock, the tide gradually coming in. With each wave the water slowly rising until I am finally engulfed in stillness.

I highly recommend this process as a way of clearing the deeper more hidden issues that are less likely to surface consciously. You may never be fully aware of what issues are being resolved, however, you will very quickly notice the benefit. Your thinking will become clearer and you will find that you are accessing creative solutions to issues that previously evaded you. For your daily pages, find a journal or book that is larger than A 5. Whilst any book will do it helps to make it look inviting and special. When I was at school we were always asked to cover our exercise books. I recall that the books I had spent most time creating beautiful cover designs for corresponded with the subject I did best at. My mind was always keen to work with the nicely decorated books – by the second term I'd work this out and had recovered all my books with inviting exciting designs. Getting used to writing daily pages takes time and discipline. However it is worth sticking at it. What has worked for me is; although the aim is to do my pages first thing in the morning, because our minds are most receptive at this time, if I can't get them done then I make it is my intention to find space in the day and I always do. Proclaim to yourself that you will always do them and you will.

In terms of the electronic part of your wealth narrative, much of how we work these days is electronic because it is easier to record and index information and therefore look it up. You will need to do this with your exercises and so I suggest creating this part of your wealth narrative on your computer; however, there is nothing preventing you from using either your journal or pen and paper to complete them - the choice is yours.

An exercise you can do now is charting your money history. Create a 3 column table and in the first column list how each of your parents (or adults who were significant in you up bringing) acted around cash and their feelings and statements about rich people and being rich. In the next column for each parent, put down how you might be identical or opposite to them. Finally in the last column put down how this can be impacting on your relationship with money and your current financial well-being. Use your daily writings in your journal to consider the following questions:

What do you notice?

How much of what you currently do is just what you learned from your parents or significant carers?

What do you feel about this?

How does it still serve you?

What can you do differently?

It is not necessary to answer all these questions in a single day, use as many days as it takes to deeply reflect on these questions and your answers to them. Don’t answer them directly like an English comprehension exercise; rather hold them in your awareness and journal freely as usual.

Have you had any experience with journaling? Please share your thoughts and comments I look forward to reading them.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Powerful words that heal

Affirmations and proclamation can be useful tools in helping to change your money mindset profile and thus enable you to re write your wealth narrative and attract wealth and abundance into your life. Your wealth narrative is the story you have programmed in your mind about your relationship with money. This is what determines how wealthy you are in your life; whether you measure your wealth in financial term or in human wealth terms (human wealth describes the intangibles such as happiness, love, peace contentment etc).

The difference between a proclamation and an affirmation is small and it is really a matter of emphasis. Whether you will work better with affirmations or proclamations will be dependent on your learning style and just how loud the internal dialogue in your head is. . The definition of an affirmation is: A favourable statement affirming that a goal you wish to accomplish is already occurring. The definition of a proclamation is: to state an official intent to take a particular course of action and acquire a particular status.

Affirmations are expressed as if the goal you set yourself is already occurring. Whereas proclamations aren’t stated in the present but rather express an intention to do or be something. For some people their minds are very sceptical about the idea that something that hasn’t occurred is real. Their internal dialogue or internal critic (the voice that is always looking to find the negative or cut you down to size) responds violently to what their conscious mind can clearly see is not the case. However, for others who are able to project themselves forward in time to when they have achieved their goal and look at it from that point – it is as if they are looking back in time, so that, in their mind they do indeed already have the thing they are affirming –daily affirmations are fabulous success tools for these people.

I am a great believer in horses for courses or what works for you. Rarely in life does one size fit all. All this does is result in something that is either too tight or over generous. The best person to determine whether you are an affirmer or a proclaimer is you. You will either know which one is for you are already, or if you don’t, experiment for a week , with one then the other and see whether or not you have a strong resistance to either.

A word of caution: Our natural tendency is to resist change and so you may find both uncomfortable to start with. Commit to choosing to work with one or the other so that your brain rules out the “they’re both rubbish” option.

The good news is that it is relatively simple to turn an affirmation into a proclamation or vice versa so you can use the very similar statements whatever method you choose.

Why are proclamations and affirmations such useful tools? Everything is made of energy and this energy travels in frequencies and vibrations. When we make a declaration in the form of an affirmation or proclamation these carry with them their own vibration frequency. When you say your proclamation or affirmation out loud, its energy vibrates throughout the universe. You can ground this energy within your body by touching your body at the same time you speak your statement aloud. Doing this allows you to feel its singular resonance which sends out a potent message to your subconscious. To get the most from working with affirmations and proclamations you should state your proclamation/affirmation out loud every morning and every evening and doing it while looking into a mirror will accelerate the process even more.

Below is a list of affirmations or proclamations which I suggested that you work with everyday to help heal your relationship with money.

  1. All good things are now flowing into my life.
  2. What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. I opt to adopt fresh ways of thinking that support my happiness
  3. All my investments are profitable and secure.
  4. I release my non supportive money experiences from the past and create a fresh an rich future
  5. Because I love what I do, I have become a money magnet.
  6. I promote my value to other people with passion and enthusiasm
  7. I always have more than enough money for all that I need.
  8. Because of my great appreciation for money, success follows me wherever I go.
  9. I always have more than enough money.
  10. Being financially successful is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day.

What are your thoughts on working with affirmations and proclaimations? Please share your thoughts I look forward to reading them.

Monday 28 November 2011

Top 10 limiting beliefs about money that could be blocking the flow of wealth and abundance into your life

Limiting belief # 10: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer

A quick look at the distribution of wealth and resources in the world today would seem to reinforce this limiting belief. Over the last 10 years the gap in earnings between the top 5% and the bottom 20% has grown exponentially. We are bombarded with stories of CEOs excessive bonuses and pay awards, outstripping those of the “coalface” one hundred and forty times over.

The poverty focused money mindset is learned behaviour – hence if you are surrounded by wealthy people you will adopt the behaviour patterns and mindset of wealthy people which will open your eyes to opportunities and possibilities that you will not be aware of if you grow up in a poor neighbourhood where there is high unemployment and low expectations. When you are surrounded by poverty it is difficult although not impossible to see beyond the mirror of your environs.

The rich do not automatically get richer - most wealthy people continue to look for new and exciting opportunities to leverage their time and thus their wealth creation strategies. Where as poor people are often overwhelmed with their cirdumstances and so lack the emotional and spiritual resoucerces required in order to change their circumstances. 

Even if there is some truth in this limiting belief it does not have to be your reality. You have the power to create your of wealth and abundance in your life. You may not consider yourself to be poor, however, if you don' t think as yourself as rich either,than growing poorer maybe the only realitity you experience.